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Published on October 29, 2008 By InAUGral In Technical

Ive been playing sins alot lately and i really noticed that every time i select random AI it almost always turns out to be a Vasari AI whilst i do get the occasional TEC i have only had one Advent out of the many games i have started.

Does any1 else notice this??? and if this is the wrong section tell me.

on Oct 30, 2008

who knows about section, of fourms , but as for random play i use that because i belive in building up stratergys with all fleets, and yes i have noticed what you have that i get more human and advent type fild when random i only get tech a few times, when your randomizing only 3 species or 3 of anything your mostly going to get 2 that are the most common, and then with the 3rd well if you have played around with random number's then youll know what i mean.

on Oct 30, 2008

hmm yes well Vasari came up a very large amount of the time. So much so if there was an 8 player match with 7 random AI there will most likely be 5 Vasari

on Oct 30, 2008

..........Returning Armada!